"Reggaelike" songs by alionsonny are getting fewer since a time, so the fifth album titled "Reggae?" consists of 13 "regaelike" tracks from the years 2007 to 2009. It is a real sequel of the album "This is not really Reggae", because it stretches the term "reggaelike" even more than its predecessor. While some tracks are in fact Reggae, some are "reggaelike" and some others are just "reggaqe influenced". This is another album which showcases the evolution of the alionsonny "reggaelike" style. The album starts with the new and rather fast track from 09 "Life goes on" and goes on with the slow dub track "Springtime 2009" from the same year. It contains in a wild mix with dubby tracks like "Aquatic Dub", experimental tracks like "Hamburg" and even more experimental style mixes like the second chapter of "The Knights of Dubwood Castle", a sequel of the track from the first album "XperiMental Reggae WorX" from 2004. The album even contains one of the rare vocal tracks by alionsonny, titled "Information Dub". Again this is in no way an album for Reggae purists.
So finally I got the fifth album released still in year 5 of the alionsonny project. This means at least an album a year. Not bad I think. Especially if you keep in mind, that I have loads of non-Reggae songs waiting to fill future albums on my harddisk. So the next album releases will be for sure NonReggae-Albums for sure. But for now: Have fun with this release!
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