Sunday, May 1, 2011

New service by alionsonny: The "alionsonny random Song of the day"!

This idea came to life because of a listener, wondering about all the songs I had released since July 2004, and he didn't know abut most of them. Well, some people seem to have major problems visiting and browsing the songs section of For all those people and those who are simply too lazy to browse thru the huge load of songs which stacked up since 2004, I created a new service: I'll daily randomly pick one song as the "alionsonny random Song of the day" and post it on the social network sites I am on, especially on Facebook. So I hope to get especially my older songs to my new listeners and friends. So here we go with the first "alionsonny random Song of the day". It was first released on February 27th 2007, and it is "Progress (feat. MC Dubbel-U Bush)":

Progress (feat. MC Dubbel-U Bush) - LISTEN
Progress (feat. MC Dubbel-U Bush) - DOWNLOAD

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